Celery Transplanter

Apium graveolens, commonly called celery, is one of the most used natural food in the world. It is indeed a vegetable widely used in the kitchen, either as aromatic ingredient or as side dish. Celery contains many major nutrition elements for human health: it is rich in potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, as well as vitamin C, E, K and B. Being composed by 90% of water makes it a remedy for water retention and an anti-inflammatory agent. The celery is also poor of calories, therefore frequently found in detoxifying diets.
The most popular variety, “apium graveolens dulce”, is characterised by its big bush of green leaves and can be almost one meter high. Compared to other vegetables, the stalk is easily recognisable since it is fleshy and divided into evident ribs. For what concerns its cultivation, celery requires mild temperatures, neither too warm nor too cold, and abundant water. Moreover it’s very important to remove regularly the weeds that might affect its growth negatively.
In order to achieve the best possible results in terms of productivity, the transplanting of celery is generally preferred to direct seeding. The transplantation phase from one ground to another is very delicate for the plant, that must be placed in a hospitable environment to become fruitful. Celery plants also need enough space for their growth, so both the inter-row distance (generally between 30 and 50 cm) and the distance between the plants on the same row (generally between 30 and 50 cm) must be regular. The furrows, where the transplanting takes place, must not be too deep, so that the roots can develop in a regular and uniform way. In order to comply with all these conditions, it’s necessary to carry out the transplanting of celery by means of technologically advanced transplanters.
Ferrari Growtech has designed innovative transplanters for celery, both automatic and semi-automatic. The models FUTURA and FUTURA TWIN belong to the first category and operate the transplanting fully automatically, on basis of the adjustable distances set. In this case the operator only has to feed the transplanting robots with seedling-trays. These machines ensure the highest productivity and precision during the transplanting procedure.
On the other hand, the semi-automatic model FMAX, FX, MULTIPLA and FX MULTIPLA require an increased and more active presence of manpower, without the excellent results concerning ground control, transplanting and yield being affected.
The celery transplanters by Ferrari Growtech allow to carry out the transplanting high precisely, both in terms of distances and working depth. In this way, while the celery plants become flourishing and productive, it’s also possible to increase the hour performance and reduce the costs.