Cabbage Transplanter

Mechanical Transplanters FPA EVO, FPA MULTIPLA and FP Mulch
Transplant onto mulched ground at maximum efficiency!

Mechanical transplanters FPA NEXT and FPA MULTIPLA NEXT
Transplant onto stretched film at maximum efficiency

FLASH NEXT AND FLASH MULTIPLA NEXT mechanical transplanters
Roll out the film and transplant your vegetables to the fullest
Cabbage is a healthy vegetable: rich in minerals and fibre, it is an excellent product both as a side dish and as a main course with other vegetables. Moreover, it is now increasingly used to make multivitamin juices. This is a vegetable part of the brassicas family, which includes a number of varieties (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, etc.), with different needs, but that in general do not like excessively hot climates. This is precisely why it is not recommended to replant it in very dry weather and on particularly dry soil, also because cabbage becomes weaker when there is a lack of water. Given the size of its ‘head’, it is necessary to pay attention to the working depth when it is replanted. This will guarantee an homogenous and even growth of the product. The cabbage transplanters by Ferrari Growtech are specifically designed to guarantee maximum yield from the plant right from the first stages of when it is replanted.
The transplant takes place when the small cabbage plants already have at least 2 or 3 leaves. A fertile soil rich in organic substances is an essential element to ensure the vegetable thrives as it grows. When replanting it, it is necessary to take into consideration the fact that the cabbage will then grow considerably and will need a lot of room: uneven and confined distances could make the plants more vulnerable to diseases and delay the ripening stage, which may also not take place at all. This is when the cabbage transplanters by Ferrari Growtech come into play, as they are designed to maintain an even distance between each plant and between the various rows. Indeed, the distance must usually be 50 cm (20”) between each plant and at least 60 cm (24”) between the rows.
The cabbage transplanters by Ferrari Growtech ensure maximum efficiency when replanting the plants, avoiding damage that could stop them from growing. This is possible thanks to innovative systems and the many models available, based on a variety of needs. Indeed, there are 2 different machine versions: automatic and semi-automatic. The former, featured in the FUTURA and FUTURA TWIN models, carry out all the work entirely on their own, optimising efficiency during the transplant stage. The semi-automatic version instead involves the use of personnel, though this does not affect the quality of the transplant. The latter category includes the FMAX, MULTIPLA, FPP EVO, FPA EVO and FLASH models.
The cabbage transplanters by Ferrari Growtech can be configured both for loose ground and heavy soil, both for very small plants and bigger plants, with an effective and innovative action in any circumstances.